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更新时间:2024-04-19 06:38:57


  梦见躺在泥土中 爱情方面出现停滞。你将深深体会到爱情的苦味,将有一段辗转难眠的日子

  梦见地震 家庭将有重大变化。也许父亲的公司因周转失灵而倒闭,或母亲突然病倒等等的可能。

  梦见遁入泥土中 在金钱方面可能会有意外的收获。譬如说,喝了一杯三十元的咖啡,拿出一张五十元的钞票,会计小姐却找你七十元,使你反而多赚等等。这时,虽然不好意思,最好以感谢的心情把它收起来。

  梦见使用铁锹掘土 朋友之间可能会分裂。本来团结一致的一群好友,很可能会分裂为二。这时最重要的是你的态度,一定要努力设法使大家和睦相处。

  梦见在泥泞中行走 意昧着 冬来春也不远 。烦恼事将很快解决,你的生活也将在健康、金钱、爱情等各方面,显得无比快乐。

  梦见搬运泥土 表示吉运在户外。尤其在爱情方面特别突出。既然知道了,就把情人邀请到野外去吧!幸运将在那里等着你。

  Dream of lying in the mud -- love comes to a standstill. You will realize the taste of love, there will be a sleepless days

  Dream of the family -- that there will be major changes. Maybe his father s company by turnover failure and collapse, or mother suddenly fell ill and so on may.

  Dream into the earth -- in terms of money may have unexpected gains. For example, drank a cup of coffee thirty yuan, pulled out a $fifty bill, accounting for seventy yuan but miss you, make you more instead of making etc.. At this time, although feel shy, best to thank the mood took it away.

  Dream of using a shovel to dig -- may be divided between friends. Originally, unite a group of friends, is likely to be split into two. The most important is your attitude, we must strive to make people live together in peace together.

  Dream of walking in the mud -- means winter to spring is not far . Trouble will be solved soon, your life will be in health, money, love, etc, is extremely happy.

  Dream of moving dirt -- said Kyrgyzstan transported in the outdoor. Especially in love particularly prominent. I know, the lover invite go! Lucky will be there waiting for you.
