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更新时间:2024-04-25 11:31:43


  梦见自己是机械工:预示着你会通过自己的努力养活自己的一家,并且只有这样才能取得好的成就。 做梦梦到机械工:说明梦者将会从别人那里学习到很多有用的东西,这大大增加了你的能力。 梦见机械工在机械边上忙碌:预示着你的薪水会不断的提升,这与你勤劳的工作是分不开的。 通常,梦到机械工表示梦者在近期会有喜事发生,这对你的事业发展是很有帮助的。

  I dreamed I was a mechanic: indicates that you will through their own efforts to support his family, and the only way to get a good achievement. Dream of Mechanic: that dream will learn from others to many useful things, which greatly increases your ability. Dream of the mechanic busy in the machine: indicates that your salary will continue to improve, this and your hard work are inseparable. Usually, dreaming of mechanic that dream will have happy event happened in the near future, this to your career development is very helpful.
