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更新时间:2024-04-25 21:44:24


  做梦梦到变成小孩子:暗示你目前的工作让你感到很不自在,认为自己的日子过的太辛苦了,没有尽头。 梦见长辈变成小孩子:提醒你在生活中某个你所不认识的人会设下圈套陷害你,从而谋夺你的产财。 女性梦见变成小孩子:说明你的内心中渴望还回去以前的日子,这样你才会过的无忧无虑,没有烦恼。 通常,梦到变成小孩子意味着梦者有着一颗童心,在生活中总是会找到自己的乐趣。

  Dream becomes the child: that you are currently working to make you feel uncomfortable, think life is too hard, no end. Dream of the elders to children: remind in the life of someone you don t know you will lay traps for you, in order to seek your property. Women dream of a child: description of your heart desire to back the day before, so that you will live be light of heart from care, no worries. Usually, dream and become as little children means that the dream is always a child at heart, in life will always find their own fun.
