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更新时间:2024-04-28 10:37:08


  犯人梦见拜佛的人:预示着你真心悔过自己所犯下的罪行,在牢狱中一直忏悔,认真的改造自己。 做梦梦到拜佛的人:说明你能力只能让你做一些基本的工作,但是在这方面你做的很出色,受人尊敬。 已婚的人梦见拜佛的人:预示着你的婚姻生活很美满,夫妻之间的感情十年如一日,你的孩子也很听话。 一般梦到拜佛的人,表明梦者的思想已经很成熟,已经过了冲动的年龄了。

  The prisoner of the Buddha: indicates that you are truly sorry for his crime, in prison has been repentance, serious reform oneself. Dream of Buddha: shows you the ability can let you do some basic work, but in this you do very well, respected. People dream of the Buddha who married: indicates that your marriage is very happy, the feelings between husband and wife of ten years as one day, your kids are very obedient. General dream pray people, that dream thought already very mature, have the impulse of the ages.
